Illabunda Ski Lodge

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Fill in this form if you wish to be added to the mailing list for occasional newsletters and other communications from Illabunda lodge. You will be able to Unsubscribe again if you wish.

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When you press Subscribe, the system will send you a test email, which takes a moment, so please wait for the page to refresh, and for the email to arrive.

Privacy: The Port Kembla Ski Club will not reveal your details to third parties. See details in Privacy Statement

Image Credit: Deb McCulloch

Working Bee Blackouts

Lodge maintenance is conducted during the off-season to maintain the Lodge in the condition expected by members and guests. During working bees, guest accommodation is not available. Working bee dates can change without notice, and any bookings previously accepted cancelled by a working bee will be fully refunded.

Current Working Bee dates for 2024-2025

These dates are not available for accommodation bookings.

Attendance at working bees improves your priority for Winter booking applications. If you are interested in participating in a working bee, please contact...

Michael Livermore


Image Credit: Mike Salon

Winter Promotional Flyers

Download these Illabunda promotional flyers and circulate them to your family and friends. There are separate flyers for Families, Groups and Couples. Print them out, or just copy and paste the links in messages to your friends to encourage their bookings at Illabunda Lodge.

Remember, members can book online on behalf of non-member friends and family.

Big Shoulder Season Discounts

Members and their guests can enjoy big discounts by booking into Illabunda in the shoulder seasons, in June and September. For the early shoulder, rates are less than 50% of the peak season rate. For the late shoulder, rates are about 30% less than peak season.

Click the link for the online booking system or to download forns in .PDF and .DOC format.

Image Credit: Unknown

Lodge Operations Manual

The fully detailed Illabunda Lodge Operations Manual and Illabunda Lodge Fire Warden and Evaculation Plan are available for all members and guests. Click on either link to download.

Note that you will need a PDF reader to view these files.

Image Credit: Unknown

Rebates for Ski Lessons

To encourage the development of better skiing skills among Full Members, the Club will rebate $40.00 from the cost of their private or group lessons taken when staying at Illabunda. Send proof of your lesson to the Committee (PO Box 1985, South Coast Mail Centre, NSW 2521) to collect your rebate. Only Full Members are eligible, and only one $40 rebate per year.

Image Credit: Perisher

Support our Sporting Activities!

Every Winter, Illabunda Lodge participates in competitive events. These include the Illawarra Interclub Races at both senior and junior levels. Illabunda awards Club Championships to skiers and boarders in various age groups. If you or your family want to participate in our club's events, look at our Competition home page and make yourself known to the Club Captain!

Image Credit: Unknown

New Board Blood Wanted

To sustain our Club into the future, the Board needs a steady trickle of new blood from the ranks of the Full Members. If you are interested in giving something back to your Club by joining the Board, please call the President to discuss. Click here for contact information.

Image Credit: Facebook

Download Adobe Reader

You will need Adobe Reader to read PDF format documents on this site. For a free download, click here for Adobe Reader.

Image Credit: Unknown

Daily Accommodation Rates

Winter 2025Early ShoulderPeak SeasonLate Shoulder
Full Member Adult$85.00$130.00$98.00
Child of Full Member$51.00$78.00$59.00
Ordinary Member Adult$127.00$195.00$146.00
Child of Ordinary Member$76.00$117.00$88.00
Associate Member$169.00$260.00$195.00
Child of Associate Member$101.00$156.00$117.00
All children under 5yo$20.00$20.00$20.00

Image Credit: Mike Salon

Privacy Statement

The Port Kembla Ski Club Ltd (PKSC) collects personal information for the purpose of administering your association with the Club, whether as a member, a subscriber or the waiting list. The information collected is limited to that shown in application forms and what is subsequently corrected by yourself or the Club regarding contact details and booking applications.

When you login to the Illabunda website, the time, date and IP address of your server are recorded in a log for security purposes. The PKSC will not release any of your information to any external organisation or person without your permission. Your information is kept in secured databases. The PKSC does not collect or save credit card or bank account information.

The PKSC transmits regular newsletters and occasional communications to your email or postal address and your association is an explicit agreement to receive such communications, although you may unsubscribe from future communications. The PKSC website does not post cookies on your computer or device.

When you terminate your relationship with the PKSC, you have the right to request removal of all identifying details from the database. 

Website & Browser Issues

This website is intended to be compatible with all modern browsers and on devices of all screen sizes. It employs sophisticated coding which requires up-to-date software versions and may not work on older browsers. To have the best experience with this site, please keep your browser updated and do not disable images or Javascript.

There are so many combinations of operating systems, devices and browsers, it is impossible to test them all. So if you have any difficulties with the website, please let the Webmaster know. The table below indicates the browsers on which this site should behave and render correctly, but if it doesn't, please give me the details! Send screen dumps if you can, and make sure you give details of OS, browser and version.

Australian usage updated March 2025 from statcounter.

Image Credit: Facebook