Illabunda Ski Lodge

Summer Information


Image Credit: Mike Salon

Lodge Facilities

NOTE: Only full members can access the Void to attend to their gear stored there. Please remove anything you no longer use!

Image Credit: Unknown

You Need to Bring...

Image Credit: Mike Salon

Accommodation Rates

Image Credit: Mike Salon

Lodge Rules & Guest Responsibilities

No smoking anywhere inside the lodge. Smokers can use sheltered area just outside the Winter entrance.

There are no Lodge Managers. Guests do their own food preparation and are fully responsible for the condition of the Lodge. The organiser of each group must sign the Guest Guarantee on the booking form indicating acceptance of their responsibility for the guests and the Lodge condition.
We would ask that Guests:

Do not use Club linen.

NOTE: Domestic animals are not permitted within the Kosciuszko National Park where Illabunda is situated, so make sure you leave your pets at home.

All persons must enter their names, addresses and the dates of their stay in the Guest Register. This is a requirement of the Kosciuszko National Park.

Do not take anything from the lodge which is not yours.

Image Credit: Mike Salon

How To Get To Illabunda

Drive to Perisher Valley from Jindabyne. Turn right into and cross the carpark. Take the dirt road up the hill, then take first road to right, "Telemark Place", to go down to Illabunda Lodge. Park in the driveway beside the lodge - watch out for snow poles, fire hydrants and electrical boxes.

Image Credit: Unknown

On Arrival at Illabunda

Combination locks are used to secure certain doors of the Lodge. They require the input of a 4 digit code each time for entry. Press C (Clear) button before entering the code. Current codes for the entry doors, the void and the managers room are provided by the Booking Officer. The same combination opens the foyer door as well as the downstairs door.

Image Credit: Unknown

Room Allocation

Image Credit: Mike Salon

Drying Rooms

Drying rooms are located downstairs, second room in from the downstairs winter entrance. Drying room heaters are not normally switched on out of winter season, but can be made available by switching them on at the wall switch in each drying room.

If used, ensure that they are turned off after use and before departure from the lodge.

Image Credit: Mike Salon

Cleaning and Provisions

Image Credit: Mike Salon

Before Leaving Illabunda...

NOTE: Above all, please maintain and leave the Lodge as you would like to find it when you arrive.

Report any problems to the Booking Officer as soon as possible.

Image Credit: Mike Salon

Summer Activities

Click here to download the SLOPES leaflet (800kB) on Summer activities in and around KNP. SLOPES is the association Ski Lodges Organisation of Perisher, Smiggins and Guthega of which the Port Kembla Ski Club is a member.

The pay station at Sawpit Creek on the Kosciuszko Road will be able to give you the latest information on summer activities, walking maps, etc.

IMPORTANT: Observe and obey all warning signs and National Park instructions. When walking, carry water, and be prepared with insect repellant. Wear sunscreen and a hat. All flora and fauna are protected within the Kosciuszko National Park (KNP). Be aware that weather can change rapidly, so be prepared with appropriate clothing. Unless you are very experienced and well prepared, stay on marked trails. If you go off marked trails, tread carefully and protect whatever is under your feet.

Note: Entry fees are payable to the National Park. You can be fined if your car is found in the Park without a current entry permit on the windscreen.

Image Credit: Mike Salon

Contact Booking Officer

Leo Delissen

PO Box 7300, Mount Annan, NSW, 2567
Mobile: 0418 972 688
Email :

Image Credit: Facebook

Working Bee Blackouts

Lodge maintenance is conducted during the off-season to maintain the Lodge in the condition expected by members and guests. During working bees, guest accommodation is not available. Working bee dates can change without notice, and any bookings previously accepted cancelled by a working bee will be fully refunded.

Current Working Bee dates for 2024-2025

These dates are not available for accommodation bookings.

Attendance at working bees improves your priority for Winter booking applications. If you are interested in participating in a working bee, please contact...

Michael Livermore


Image Credit: Mike Salon

Key Documents

If you require more information than is on this page, the 2024 update of the Operations Manual for Illabunda Lodge is available as a PDF file. Click on the Lodge Operations Manual link for Illabunda Lodge's 2024 Fire Management Plan.

Note that because of the COVID pandemic, additional conditions apply to your use of Illabunda Lodge. In particular, refer to the Lodge COVID-Safe Management Plan .

Image Credit: Unknown