Summer Booking Rules
- Usually the summer period will extend from one (1) week after the official winter closing date until the weekend of the last Working Bee before the winter season begins.
- In the event of excess bookings the Booking Officer will decide who to allocate bookings to based on Club policies.
- The number of guests per night is limited to 22, including the 2 beds in the Managers Room. The use of the Managers Room is only permissible when the whole lodge has been booked by one group.
- All applications shall be made to the Booking Officer on the approved booking form. Phone or e-mail bookings may be accepted by the Booking Officer, but it is the responsibility of the Member to send in the completed Booking Form as soon as possible to the Booking Officer for confirmation.
- The rooms are allocated by the guests, not the Booking Officer.
- Residents at the Lodge desirous of extending their stay must contact the Booking Officer to find out whether there are vacancies, and then pay balance of accommodation fees to Booking Officer.
- At the discretion of the Booking Officer, an Associate member may be permitted to stay in the Lodge unaccompanied by their proposer (a full member).
- Upon receipt of a Summer Booking the Booking officer will forward the Member a detailed list of rules and procedures to be followed during the visit.
- Associate members are allowed to stay at the lodge unaccompanied by a full member, but they must be referred by an existing full member.
Image Credit: Mike Salon
Supplementary Rules - COVID
Members and guests are advised of supplementary rules applied to bookings at Illabunda Lodge (Winter and Summer) as required by our COVID-Safe Management Plan. In particular...
Dependants (e.g. children) may be listed on their carer's form.
Individuals failing to comply with this requirement will be denied access to the Lodge.
Image Credit: Facebook
Accommodation Rates
- Summer rates and periods are reviewed by the Committee each year.
- Self catering by guests in Summer.
- The total amount due to be paid for accomodation is due within two weeks of confirmation of booking.
- The Child Rate applies to children from newborn up to the end of secondary-school age. Children attending tertiary education are charged the Adult rate.
Image Credit: Mike Salon
How To Pay...
Payment needs to be made within two weeks from receiving booking confirmation for your booking to remain valid. Payment options are:-
- Direct deposit or EFT to the Port Kembla Ski Club account at Horizon Bank (BSB: 802-124 Account No: 201195) but be sure to include your Invoice Number as a description so that your payment can be identified.
- Pay personally into the account of the Port Kembla Ski Club at any branch of the Horizon Bank. Send your deposit receipt to the Booking Officer to confirm your payment.
- By credit card, by entering the necessary details on the invoice form, when you receive it.
Note: Cheques are no longer accepted. Please pay by one of the above means.
Image Credit: Emma CLARK
A minimum 10% fee will apply to all cancellations up to a maximum of $50.
The booking officer's waiting list has priority over other requests.
If no replacement booking is taken up, the following refund amounts will apply:-
- 75% if booking cancelled 28 days or more prior to 1st day of stay
- 50% if booking cancelled 7 to 27 days prior
- 25% if booking cancelled 1 to 6 days prior
- Nil refund if cancelled on or after 1st day of booking
Image Credit: Ben SALON
Hard Copy Booking Applications
Hard copy booking applications are available whenever the online booking system is unavailable in both PDF and DOC formats. Download the one you need, complete it, and send it to the Booking Officer by snail-mail or email. But preferably, logon and use the online booking system.
Image Credit: Facebook
Contact Booking Officer
Leo Delissen
PO Box 7300, Mount Annan, NSW, 2567
Mobile: 0418 972 688
Email : Credit: Facebook
Key Documents
If you require more information than is on this page, the 2024 update of the Operations Manual for Illabunda Lodge is available as a PDF file. Click on the Lodge Operations Manual link.
Click on the Fire Safety Management and Evacuation Plan link for Illabunda Lodge's 2024 Fire Management Plan.
Note that because of the COVID pandemic, additional conditions apply to your use of Illabunda Lodge. In particular, refer to the Lodge COVID-Safe Management Plan .
Image Credit: Unknown